Hello EVERYONE I’m back! Let me share a random “update from the FIshBowl”. 🙂
So many things I have been working on and doing that I am just beyond excited to share. So expect lots of upcoming blogs and YouTube videos. lol. Also I have a new job at Cisco and I just have so many things I am learning and doing that I just am beyond excited to share!
Okay here we go … “update from the FishBowl” —
- AWS Cloud Practitioner
- NetSec TSA (New Job)
- Exams Planned for 2022
- Prezi
- Traffic Generation Fun
AWS Cloud Practitioner

Very stoked to say that I passed my AWS Cloud Practitioner exam on Friday, September 3rd! I used ACloudGuru for the bulk of my studying. I liked this instructor and his style. Admittedly I had heard that maybe some of the other instructors aren’t as good. But since this is the only one I have done so far I can’t speak to this.
Before moving to my new job, my goal after passing this exam was either start looking at the next AWS exam after this one…. OR go for an intro to Azure type one. Either way, the plan was to continue to use ACloudGuru for the bulk of this studying. …. Then I started the new job.
NetSec Technical Solution Architect (New Job)
The first thing to know about the job change is that I wasn’t actually looking for a new job. Didn’t view myself as “in the market”. But I was in CPOC one day a few months ago chatting with someone I used to work with in CPOC, when I found out that his team had an opening. He mentioned it only in passing. Just to let me know in case I knew anyway.
…… The rest is history. I have a new job. And I am absolutely loving it! And for what I want out of a job (click here for more info on that) it is beyond perfect for what I love out of a job!
Exams Planned for 2022
Once I moved into my new job I decided to make a major shift of what exams I wanted to go for in 2022. Again, my plan HAD been to go more cloud. But after I started my new job I decided that I wanted, very much, to go more Security. So my studying/exam goals for 2022 start with the below two exams –
- Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals (200-201 CBROPS)
- Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (350-701 SCOR)
Many people have asked me about, and seem surprised, that I’m going to do the “lower level” 200-201 exam and not just go directly to 350-701. For me, I think this is actually critical to do. Studying for 200-201 will force me to have the “bigger picture” loaded in my mind so I can better put everything else I learn into the proper context. I have been already been studying for this and am THRILLED to pieces that I made the decision to do this one.
So…. what am I doing to study for this? CiscoPress books, admittedly, for the bulk of it. Bought both Cisco CyberOps Associate CBROPS 200‑201 and CCNP and CCIE Security Core SCOR 350-701, both by Omar Santos. I started with the Associate one and honestly expected to just have it be the “normal grind” when learning new stuff. So just dove in to start reading with the attitude of “suck it up buttercup”. lol. Wow was I surprised! I am halfway through the book for 200-201 and I cannot recommend it enough. Omar’s style is just perfect for how I like to learn. So it is actually a lot more fun studying for the CyberOps Associate than I expected it would be.
In 2021 I did a recording “Cloud, Code, or Both“. I was asked if I would like to do it with “Prezi”. I had zero idea what “Prezi” was so I asked a bunch of questions first. At first I didn’t think it would work for how I envisioned what the end product would look like. I think honestly because I hadn’t “shifted” yet from my “go to” of using slides for presentations.
It actually worked out GREAT! Really was perfect for the content I was trying to present on. I now have totally fallen in love with it and will be using it a lot more.

Traffic Generation Fun
When I joined CPOC (Customer Proof of Concept) back in 2001, i was first introduced to “traffic generation tools”. The two I have used the most – Test Center and WebAvalanche/WebReflector, both by Spirent. I have a YouTube playlist called Spirent on my Networking With Fish YouTube Channel covering a bunch of these two products.
With the new job I will be using Layer 4-Layer 7 traffic generators for pretty much every thing I do. So expect more info getting passed on for both Spirent’s Cyberflood or Ixia’s BreakingPoint. I admit I use my blog page and my YouTube channel as documentation for myself and for helping others. And wow do i need to document a bunch of this stuff that is newer to me. So might as well bring you along for the ride.

What Next?
Teehee. It’s me… who knows. :). See ya around the FishBowl!
Categories: Uncategorized
That’s Great, Denise….. It sounds like a very interesting and challenging job. I wish you luck……..Dad