Four 1/2 years ago Networking with Fish as a web site was born. To say I knew nothing about having a web site would be a massive understatement.
All I knew was I needed to “give back“. I needed to “freely pass on to others what others had passed on to me“. For that, I needed a web page….. and I needed to at least start even if I stumbled at first.
In the past 4 1/2 years I have learned tons about websites and blogging. During that timeframe I have also created a ton of teaching/technical content and multi part blog series that I’m very pleased and proud of.
I really thought I was getting a hang of this blogging/web site thing. And then about 3 months I learned just how much I still don’t know.
What Is Next for Your “Networking with Fish” Web Site?
Now that I know more and now that I know how much I still don’t know…. I see that it is time.
It is time
- to learn,
- to grow, and
- to apply that knowledge here on your Networking with Fish web page.
What will this all look like? The truth is I don’t know the answer to that question yet… as I still have much to learn.
What I Do Know Will Be Changing

I have over 100 blogs out here. Many of which are a blog series with multiple detailed technical teaching blogs as part of the series. While I love the technical and teaching content in many of those blogs, I can see now I don’t like the readability of many of them.
As a result, each and every technical blog out here will be getting reviewed. I will be starting with the multi part blogs. There will be reformatting, cleaning up, tweaking, and potentially even rewrites. Admittedly I will not be getting new screen captures. Even though I am not overly keen on some of the ones I have from 2014 and 2015. 🙂
Communicating to You About Updated Blogs

The multi part technical blogs will get reviewed and refreshed first. Once an entire series has been reviewed and refreshed I will put out a blog to let you know that series is ready.
Next will be the non series technical blogs. I will likely be doing them in groups of related technical topics and again, once I have a number of them done, will be posting a blog with the list of reviewed and refreshed blogs.
Updates to non technical blogs will be just happening with no correlated blog announcement out here.
Happy Learning!
Categories: Uncategorized
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