It all started in early December on twitter.
I could not have said it better than David said it,
This is what community is! You, me, all of us, nobody gets left behind and we get to contribute so everybody grows and the community enriches itself
Real, honest, from the heart…. “I care about you” Community.
My first time seeing the IT community outside of just the walls of Cisco was in 2006 at CiscoLive. CiscoLive 2006 thru to and including CiscoLive 2012 I found myself wanting to “belong” to a community. But none of the communities I came across “called to me”. I started honestly thinking what I was looking for was just a dream. I wanted Nerdvana. I don’t think I could have put into words what I was looking for. Looking back, I see that I was looking for exactly what David described.
Community #One4All #All4One
In 2013 I found that community! Well technically it found me. 🙂
It is an AWESOME… true… from the heart community. And my life is so very much richer for being a part of it. #One4All #All4One is the feeling in this community.
I want so much to hug and thank every single person in this community that has welcomed me and embraced me into the community. The list is so very long though and I would miss so many people. I MUST, however, list the people who… if it weren’t for them… I would have not given the community a chance.
Each of you will be getting a little lego Musketeer man as a thank you. 🙂 Thank you for keeping me from running away and thank you for welcoming me.
Amy Lewis (@commsninja)
Amy Arnold (@amyengineer)
Erik Peterson (@ucgod)
Steve Rodriguez (@wifijanitor)
Jonathan Davis (@subnetwork)
Tom Hollingsworth (@networkingnerd)
Lauren Friedman (@lauren)
Of course… it is David who inspired the idea of the stickers… the giving out of the lego man… and this blog. 🙂 So he gets a lego man and ALSO….. a Musketeer hat!

Build Community
No community like this around you? Build it!
Categories: Uncategorized
Love that people want to give a bit of themselves to help everyone else who needs it. Sure that everyone who has crossed your path would
Include you on their list like yours above! Thanks Fish!
#One4All #All4One. 🙂