RSA 2019 SanFrancisco….. ready or not… here I come!

I am so beyond belief excited about being asked by Cisco to go to the RSA Conference in SanFran the week of March 4th and work the Cisco Threat Wall during the event!
It seems to confuse some people that I am so stoked to be doing what in the industry is referred to as “booth duty”. LOL.
I have TWO Reasons.
Firstly I have to say I have never been to RSA before. So I am PUMPED!
I don’t really have what some people refer to as a “bucket list”. But if I did…. I would definitely say that getting to go to and experience even one IT Security conference (RSA or BlackHat) would definitely be on my work bucket list. So I am positively thrilled to pieces that I am getting to go to one.
What’s the 2nd reason?
The Threat Wall is Incredibly Cool!
My first time seeing the Cisco Threat Wall was a little over a year ago in Barcelona at CiscoLive Europe. I was familiar with all of the GUIs they were showing up on the display wall… but one stood out quite prominently. Why? Teehee… cause it was Stealthwatch and I do so love me some Stealthwatch!
Do you know what it was showing? It was showing everything that was going on in the CiscoLive network! All the users on the network and reporting in on what they were up to – command and control events, encrypted malware hiding in HTTPS flows … the list of what all it was seeing just went on and on!
I fell in love with the Threat Wall that day and I so wanted to be one of the Cisco employees to work the wall. But I kept that to myself and never shared that with anyone at work. LOL
Every day during CiscoLive Europe 2018, I came up with some new question I wanted to ask them. Making up excuses just to engage with them and have a reason to stare at all the geeky goodness and have them show me more.

Now? Now I get to go to RSA and I get to live in geeky “Nerd-vana” for the whole week of RSA. I get to work the Cisco ThreatWall and show to all the other nerds all the geeky goodness that is there. 🙂
Woot woot! So stoked!
Going to RSA the week of March 4th in SanFrancisco? Come find me at the Cisco Threat Wall. Teehee…. I will have all my varying stickers with me.
#WorkHardPlayHard #BigKidAtHeart #LoveStickers 🙂
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Hey Fish! I will be at RSA too! Will be hanging at the Profitap stand 3233 and giving out books, a new TCP Analysis architectural poster, and a Wireshark Network Forensics Cheat Sheet! I will try to come over and visit you bringing gifts! See ya there!
LOL… how do I respond to this comment when I’m still being all “Fan-girl” – “OMG Laura Chappel put a comment on my web page” …. ROFL.
You are awesome! I so love all your books! Your teaching style is just 2nd to none to me!
I SO hope my badge lets me get over to stand 3233! I would love to get that poster and cheat sheet! There was… shall we say politely… a bit of a screw up on my badge. At least the ThreatWall I’ll be working is accessible with the badge I have. 🙂